Free to download, customize and use Document Templates for IT Projects. Download the Zipfile collection from here, but don't forget to customize them for your use with Word.

Template Collection 

This is a collection of generic document templates. These templates have withstood the test of time and have successfully been used in many IT projects.

Templates are:

  • Application Design.dot

  • Component Design.dot

  • Construction Guide.dot

  • Current Systems Analysis.dot

  • Functional Spec.dot

  • Glossary.dot

  • Handover Manual.dot

  • Requirements Specification.dot

  • System Design.dot

  • System Specification.dot

Customize the Templates and make an Installation

You are about to create your own corporately-themed installation, which you can deploy across the enterprise.


Note: It is not possible to modify templates (.dot files) directly, this has to be done through a proper Word document (.doc files). 


  • Download the ZIP file

  • Unpack it to a temporary folder

Do the same for each of the file:

  • Go to the Generic folder and open a template. A document will be created, titled something similar to Document1.doc.

  • Edit the .doc files - at the very least you should add a logo on the front page (bottom-right) and change the tag {Company Name} to that of your company.

  • Do a 'Save As...' in Word and save the file as a .dot template in the Template Installation folder.


You now have an installation folder, Template Installation, that contains all the templates and an installation script called Install.bat.

  • Zip the Template Installation folder up and deploy this on each PC what requires the new Word document templates. The installation will probably be called Template Installation.zip


Installation Instructions

  1. Deploy the Template Installation.zip file to the target machine

  2. Unpack it to a temporary folder

  3. Execute the batch file: Install.bat


How to use the Templates

The usual steps apply to create a new document from a template:

  1. Start Word

  2. File -> New -> Templates -> On my Computer

  3. Choose a template

  4. Click OK